lauantai 27. syyskuuta 2008

Blogin avaushetki

Istun Tansaniassa, Tumainin yliopiston tietokoneluokassa. Meneillaan on internet-wrokshop journalismin laitoksen opettajille, jota vetaa Peik Johansson Suomesta. Aloitan kurssin traagisena seurauksena blogin pitamisen. Taman testipostauksen (postaus, helvetin arsyttava sana) jalkeen, painan pyyteetonta tyota ja etsin teille arvoisa, rajatty yleiso mehukkaimmat uutiset tasta maailmankolkasta.

Alla on kirjoitettuna, mita me taalla tehdaan.

Second day at internet workshop for Tumaini uni. journalist dep. faculty

The second day at the workshop started with going trough stats, comparing and discussing about internet usage globally.

We moved on to compare specifically Tanzania’s internet culture with it’s neighboring countries, where usage statistic are higher.

More children using computers, bigger amount of internet café’s and political history were workshop attendant’s opinions for the reasons why for example Kenya and Uganda has bigger internet penetration percentage.

Then we started going trough websites witch the director Johansson had figured out to be useful for Tanzanian journalists. We visited governmental pages and some good sources where to find story ideas or backround information for on going story.

Last thing we practiced was how to search from the internet. We found out that less keywords you give more accurate results you get.

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